Fluid | Fixed

The Divining Traditions

Divination has most likely been around since the dawn of mankind and can be found in all cultures both ancient and modern. It can be a part of a religion or it can stand alone. It has provided communications, revealed truths, produced judgments, and heralded things to come.

Esoteric Tradition

What is divination?

Divination is the foretelling of future or other unknown events through intuition or magic or - is it ? Divination is really the production of information by unaccountable means for a particular purpose. This purpose can be either communication between the various deities or worlds or gathering unknown information from the past, present or future.

Divination for Prediction

Foretelling or affecting the future is probably the most common form of divination. The future belongs to “time” and it exists after the present. What lies after this point can be the realm of possibility and probability or contrariwise, can be ruled by predestination. Alternatively, there may not be a future to predict because it might not exist until we observe it. The question here is not which of these theories is true but why is it so important for us to know the future?

Something to ponder

When we try to predict the future, are we...

—predicting a specific individual event?
— predicting the possibilities of the probabilities?
—are we facilitating certain events to happen?

How do we make predictions of the unknown?

Scientifically, predications are made through the following steps: 1) observation, 2) comparison and analysis, and 3) formation of a model of 'cause and effect'. We, more or less, do the same thing every day through deductive and inductive reasoning. In divination, we use these same steps to form our predictions. What makes this process different with esoteric divination is that, in most cases, the relationship between what is being observed and what is modeled *seems* to be illogical and unrelated. It is also theorized that when we perform these “irrational deductions” we are utilizing that part of our brain that is non-deterministic.

The three concepts that seem to be the mainstay within esoteric divination are the conscious and unconscious mind and probability. Numerous theories and speculations have been banded about over these topics in relation to predictions, but since it is an illogical method it cannot be proved by logical means.

The Conscious Mind

It seems that the only common link between unrelated events is the observer, -man. We look for connections between unrelated events because we want them to exist. A relationship is knowingly established for some personal reason that is known only to the observer. Perhaps, the observer is seeking verification.

The Unconscious Mind

Supposedly, a relationship can exist between two unlikely events in that unknown part of the mind called the unconscious. The mind is still an undiscovered territory and this certainly applies to our unconscious. According to Sigmund Freud, it was “id” -the repressed memories, and with Carl Jung it was the “tribal collective” - the shared memories. In the world of parapsychology and mysticism, it is the container that holds our wisdom, intuition, higher self, physic abilities and our other connections to universe. Whatever the theory, the unconscious mind seems to influences our actions and the understanding of our world.

“The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside, as fate. This is to say, when the individual remains undivided and does not become conscious of his inner contradictions, the world must perforce act out the conflict and be torn into opposite halves.”  —Carl Jung, Collected Works


Depending on how you view an occurrence of an event, you will probably use one of the following words: chance, random, arbitrary, fate, destiny, predestination, coincidence, or synchronicity. Whereas, the conscious and the unconscious are the internal factors, probability is the external factor in divination. How much power or significance we assign to this external factor is determined by the individuals' beliefs. In esotericism, a popular reason for a relationship to exist between two unrelated concepts is synchronicity. Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung and physicist Wolfgang Pauli believed that apparently unrelated significant events are connected by “acausality” because of a force that transcends logic. This means that meaningful coincidences, which have a hidden purpose, exist and happen beyond the realm of the logical 'cause and effect'. Synchronicity is not to be confused with predestination where everything, in varying degrees, is preordained and determined because of some “higher power”.

Divination for communication

There can exist many levels or worlds within reality. Divination is used to communicate within and between these worlds. Some of us work on the premise of two worlds; the spiritual and the physical world. Necromancy is one form of divination that communicates between the living physical world and the spiritual world of our deceased loved ones. Prayer is another form of divination where man (physical world) communicates with his gods (spiritual world). Some believe that this unique ability of communication outside the normal senses is a natural inherent gift, while others believe it is a talent that can be developed.

The New Tradition


In Esoteric divination the scope is the future and with Introspection the scope is you. A new use for an old tool has been found. There are no oracles to be read, no prophecies to be divined, and no futures to be told. The purpose is simply to learn more about yourself by looking within and reflecting on your actions while asking questions like -why?

When humans interact with their environment, they not only perceive patterns but they also project their own matter into their perception. We think we perceive the objective reality -but we don't.


First Impressions?
What do you see?
Whom do you see?
What do you think is the story behind this image?

The image that you perceive and the story that you tell say a lot about you. Did the picture remind you of a family member or famous person? Did you see the pagan Green-man, God, or just an old man? Perhaps, you saw two lovers kissing under an arbor of leaves? If I told you, this was two pictures in one would you change your answer? Finally, what did the artist want us to see? To view the other image, place the cursor over it.

Tarot cards and other pictorial devices provide a good medium for this type of contemplation. Another popular technique that requires no external devices is dream interpretation. While there are many theories as to why we dream, it is generally accepted that dreams are self-communications most likely from our subconscious. These dreams are full of symbolism that have deeper allegoric meanings and are perfect for introspection.

Introspection is such a personal form of divination where you are both the inquisitor and the source. Still, friends and third parties can help us in our discovery. Professional help is available in the form of psychologists and psychoanalysts. However, you will probably not see a tarot deck in their office. Psychoanalysts prefer to use the Rorschach inkblots and dream analysis.[1]

Do I believe the future can be foretold? I really don't know. At the moment, I am working on the axiom that it can't. I think that my future lies not in a deck of cards or some other divinatory device ... but in myself. I make choices and if these choices are made in a causal or acausal world, or consciously or unconsciously, nevertheless, they are made by me.

Are my choices predetermined? I would like to think that my choices are my own. When I understand Quantum physics, I will get back to myself on this one. At the moment, I am still trying to wrap my brain around “The Dancing Wu Li Masters” by Gary Zukav.

Having said this, I must admit I do own quite a few tarot decks. Actually, I am avid collector and if I do use my decks, I use them not for parapsychology but for psychology. Introspection is my methodology. For me, how I view and perceive the image is far more important than the image that I see.


[1] Tarot and Psychology: Spectrums of Possibility –Dr. Arthur Rosengarten
Unbeknownst to me, at the time I originally wrote this article, Dr. Arthur Rosengarten was already implementing the use of tarot in his clinical practice.  If you are interested in this topic, his book Tarot and Psychology - Spectrums of Possibility is geared to those in the field of psychology who may want integrate the tarot methodology into their clinical work.

[2] Copyright holder for the above picture is unknown.